You seem to be quite knowledgeable so why dont you just tell me what i need to look for to distinguish the different models. If you cant then perhaps you dont know anymore about them than i do. Have a great day!
Just so you'll know, that graphic is frequently used as encouragement to feed the MV imagery fetish(es) of the membership here, and does not actually mean that people's questions are "worthless." In fact, it's very rare to see someone giving another member serious guff while using it.
As to your second sentence, I can almost assure you that I don't know anymore about the M274 series than you do...but then that's why your Mule thread caught my attention. I hope that you're able to bring it home with you that it turns out to be a gem. Having said that, pictures
might actually help since, like lots of old vehicles, Mules seem to get a mixture of replacement parts as the years go by. I know that the only Mules that have ever been in my family were pieced together and had repro/NOS dataplates on them. Similarly, I spoke to microjeep (from this forum) at the Denton rally this year and his Mule is far more original but has an incorrect...well, I don't recall exactly what. I want to say it's an access panel to the right of the driver. Anyway, these are just a couple of reasons why pictures
can be helpful in the research process. But none of this is why you should get that Mule. You should get it because
1) Mules are awesome and
2) this one sounds like it needs a good home.
Welcome to the forum. Lots of good people and experience here to help you out. Don't mind us onlookers.