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Kansas to Toronto- M934, hauling butt and crossing boarders


New member
Toronto Canada
Guys guys guys guys! :D First of all im so sorry for keeping everyone waiting like this! Although its not unlike me to go MIA it was certainly not my intent to leave the thread hanging. I feel so selfish for having done so and i owe you all an apology! <3 I will reply to everyone in just a moment and fill you in on the trip from here forward, since i now have phone service and the dust has more or less settled!
Its been a crazy busy week. Im travelling with my favourite partner in crime, my sister, and between the two of us there isnt a moment of rest in between to catch our breath. So let me fill you all in where i am now!
We got a zippy Honda Civic rental from Toronto to spare ourselves the fuel cost of our Chevy pick-up. (plus the plan was to drop it off in Kansas and take my new babe home). IMG_2195.jpg
We loaded it up with everything we thought we would need for the ride home in the M934, sleeping bags to camp out once in a while between motels/hotels, snacks, tools, and of course including a fire extinguisher...reasons xD. Hauled ass from state to state. Actually decided to go through NY to quickly visit an old friend.

First pit stop was in Cleveland Ohio, the obligatory Walmart missions. You guys always have much better Walmarts in America is like a wonderland of weird and wonderful distractions. WHY ARE THE WASHROOMS SO LUXURIOUSLY SPACIOUS?! IMG_2232.jpg

Next was Columbus, Indianapolis, St.Lewis, the down town core all remind me of Toronto. But then again i didnt get much of a look. It was pissing rain and we were just trying to cover as much ground as possible. Rules were: unlimited bathroom breaks, limited sleep, even more so limited sight seeing detours. Hauling ass is hauling ass. We ended up stopping for a sleep some where between St.Lewis and Indianapolis. Didnt have time or energy to look for a place so we just caught some shut eye in the car.

Two and a half hours later we were back on the road. I say "we" but it was me driving all the way there as my partner in crime has no license because she is a hardened criminal ;) (or just lousy at renewing her drivers on time) (I know i know its irresponsible to run on such little sleep but trust me i dont jeopardise anyones safety easily, as an insomniac i live on no sleep on the daily.)
By the time we got near Kansas city my eyes were about done with the visibility, (thank you dry contact lenses) and the road looked wavier than fresh tarmac on a hot day. So we stopped over and contacted the owner of the M934 to meet the following day. https://youtu.be/y1B25sHsQZk
At this time the reality of it hits me... **** what the **** am i doing? Can i handle this? Will i manage and will i be able to learn? I buckled down for the night and studied the TMs once again (while my sister did what she did best, be 100% a distraction <3 ) I was reading the "air break 101" Moose was so kind as to send me for advice here :D
https://youtu.be/9WLDKUmDAEM I considered backing out and just going home with my tail between my legs but over and over the same advice kept coming back, to grow a pair and stop being scared to pursue my interests just because they tend to be on a road lest travelled or just down right off the map.
We woke up and headed straight to the bank with funds running low and it turns out no one in the Mid-US takes Canadian debit cards.... A few calls to our banks and a few selfies after we had our spending cash. THE FLOOR IS LAVA!


NOW finally I met with the owner and boy was he in for a surprise. :D He had no idea he would be selling this beast to two girls with a combined weight not even close to hitting 300lbs (even after a good BBQ). He's a real stand up guy, im really honoured to buy this thing from him. He showed me around, walked though the whole truck, tested out all the functions, i pushed all the buttons ;) started the puppy up and showed me how well it runs. Dawmn its smooth! Fun is fun but time for paperwork. We went to his office and signed the docs over, paid my dues, had a lot of laughs, and just like that, this guy.... is now mine <3
IMG_7911.jpgIMG_7951.jpgIMG_7917.jpghttps://youtu.be/CAKy2KQCwj8$_12 (3).JPG$_12 (2).JPG$_12 (1).JPG$_12 (4).JPG

As you may have guessed by this time im running on adrenaline and excitement, and a lethal combination of Pepsi Max and grape Fanta...

I got to learn to drive a bit, learn the turns, feel the dimensions, the switches and gears. Pretty much the fun stuff. Im ****ing spent. But the plan was to take him back with me the following day so i had to focus.
------ Cue the menacing soundtrack creeping in.

What i didnt foresee was the DMV being a bit of a ****. (i know i know rookie error, but it wasnt my fault this time it was theirs!) So due to a little issue with the registration (i wont do into details out of respect of privacy) the plan is now to get it shipped to me because i couldn't stay in Kansas until Monday and wait for things to be ironed out, trek home would be not for another week. Work calls, school calls, obligations remain at home. So unfortunately i had to cancel the drive back. I really really ****ing wanted to drive him home. I wanted the experience, i wanted the shock factor, the adventure and the unforeseen to make its self known. I also wanted to be in a sweat box for 5 days roughing it with my sis, meeting people and working through any obstacles. But i guess this in its own accord is a hurdle to overcome and ultimately its all for the best. Its for the best that i dont drive it 900+miles home, its for the best that the owner and i have more time to transfer ownership properly with the state so that there is no issue for me at the boarders, and to be fair i had a blast with my sis no matter what. Spent more time at Walmarts and coffee shops trying to figure out ways to speed things up and the best way to throttle bureaucracy . IMG_2316.jpgIMG_2330.jpgIMG_7847.jpgIMG_7845.jpgIMG_7868.jpgWhich took up a lot of my attention.
The seller is a legend, absolute legend, and we are working on solutions together. I may still pick it up when its ready if nothing works out to plan, but i think shipping is a better option. In either case its all settled now and were back on track (just not on the road just yet ;) )

IMG_7993.jpgSo now we are just on the way home, enjoying our victories and working out the kinks as they come. We'll be working our way through the same rote home. I was a bit reluctant to post this all up because its now more so a road trip to buy and sign a paper instead of a road trip IN the m934. So the title of thread is now pretty much misleading click bait. BUT for those of you who are interested in the adventure even though my poor boy is left behind in Kansas for the time being, im happy to keep updating and posting random silly **** from our travels. Soon i will have a proper road trip in the big guy, and will sure as **** be documenting the whole time as there will be a lots of stops in between. Here, however, we're just ripping it though without a break in sight, so its bit tough to dedicate a proper time to post updates. Sorry to disappoint anyone.

I cant thank you guys enough for your support! <3


New member
Toronto Canada
Hope yer trip goes without a hitch hun! Soon as my ball and chain falls off you can bet I'll be makin a trip yonder and everywhere inbetween.
Thanks. Without a hitch never really exist though huh?

If you were running the 401 out of Detroit you'd pass right by Steel Soldier Terrh and his better half, artist girlfriend, who is a top Canadian....top.....Canadian. Knowing there's a 5 ton headed past Wheatley might cause a reaction with his Leyland Daf and you might run into him anyway.
Your 5 senses will be rumbling when you get rolling so trust that instinct. Smelling for burning oil, coolant leaks, hot rubber, listening for 'what's that noise'....what's that noise, what's THAT noise, looking everything over. Stopping frequently to check hub temps in the beginning gives you that level of comfort if everything is just warm.
One of our Steel Soldiers did a run to Alaska and almost made it home before they had mechanical issues. Set up to enjoy a breakdown and you'll never have a bad trip again!
A canadian eyyy? :D would be so cool to get a Canadian rally going! (USA-A-Ok of course, you guys are always welcome in my eyes!)
Good tips, though ironically enough the "whats that noise" game in this trip only applies to the random night time bush camping we would do. Absolutely good practice to keep your senses on point around your vehicles.

I'm sure you have been told but I will reiterate: Don't leave Kansas with any tires that have cracks. They WILL blow out, especially with the weight and hot temps we have now. Check all of them 360 degrees inboard and out.
I'll watch your thread for problems and can provide via-internet technical assistance. Good luck!
I prepared for spares and braced for blowouts but when i went to see the truck it had 2007 Goodyears on it, no cracks ive seen yet! It was one of my biggest fears is to have a blow out without a resolution at hand. John on this forum has a nice collection he has up for sale if anyone needs spares, mines got it covered though in the mean time.

Good Luck on your journey. I see you are taking a route through northern Missouri, I being a little south of there, I-70.
Lets rally for Alice on a bold ride across country. I was going to drive the M1008 340 miles and decided to just go the conservative route and trailer it anyway after I did drive 30 miles and fueled the mule up.
As said before take your time, no hurry, have support. Extra rubber for sure going such a distance. Kidney Belt may help.:tank:
The I-70 i feel like is now burned into my memory! i found the "where's baby?" signs the most strange. haha
I would be so in for a rally, i dotn care to where or from where, i think it would be so cool to get everyone together on the road! Thanks for the support :)

GTA guy here. Let me know if I can help.
Toronto GTA or? haha

Good luck with you Journey! Post pictures of your adventure. If I was along your route, you would have had a place to stop and rest.
A'int no rest for the wicked! ;)

If it was me, from my past experiences, I would do all I can to avoid Chicago traffic. Consider your southern alternative route.
We managed to dodge Chicago traffic, i think we were quite out of the way of the city though. But then again im not rushing anywhere in the truck, only the civic

Congratulations Alice!
Have you learned any more about the truck?
What type tires and date codes, any of the tires leak down and sit flat, are any tools included (jack, lug wrenches, exc...), is the CTIS working, any background history on where the truck came from or has been, modifications been done, photos, especially of MWO tags inside door, etc, etc...?
Is your sister going to be driving a chase vehicle or are you flying in? Is this going to happen soon?

Sorry, so many questions, just trying to see what your working with... can't wait to see pics!
THANK YOU! <3 No no please feel free to ask all you like and i will try to answer as much as possible. Tires are goodyear, i think 2007, i forgot the codes. Rear passenger tire has a bit of a leak that is noticeable after a week or two of it sitting, but if you start it the CTIS kick in and no problem the tire hold air and remains filled. Somethign to keep an eye on
Tools are all stock from back in the day even with a vintage first aid kit with amonia to sniff if youre adventurous (just kidding holly **** ew). OH the MWO **** that slipped my mind i forgot to take photos but after seeing two in there! And my sis and i are driving in dumping the rental and taking the truck back. IN THEORY cause that was what was supposed to have happened but we are now actually not even taking him home just yet and will have ti shipped (maybe ill still pick it up but its a better option right now)
Again thank you so much for your quetsions and interest!

I live about 20 mins from Overland park if you need any help starting out. When is the trip going to start, and for my 2 cents I would take the second route across Mo, IL, IN then up to Detroit no toll roads and no Chi town!
Its already on but the change of plan means the truck stays in Kansas and im coming back for it/getting it shipped in.

Hoping she has a chase truck available to drive down, pick up a couple of mounted spares on the way down. Maybe someone around Detroit has some for sale, and maybe even take back if she don't use them???
nope not chase truck because we are smert

She did a recon on the truck late last night and sent pics, looks great. Haven't heard anything new yet for this mornin though. I'm sure she's gettin the crash course on operation and such, as well as final payment and paperwork.
Dude you are a legend! thank you for updating everyone when i was too much of a space case to do that myself. I hope no one is offended that i got lost track and got hyper focused on the goal. Sometimes i struggle with being social and the autism peeks through ;) SOMETIMESSSSSS

As someone who drives Houston to Toronto every couple of summers, Ditto what Wheelspinner said, that section along the south end of lake Michigan is awful, even in a civi vehicle. The route through Indianapolis and Fort Wayne is much more pleasant. Good luck and have fun !
Day time its just fields and billboards but night time when the visibility gets really bad i really start to hate the drive. Might as well pull over and ogle the stars.
Alright come on Alice, enough waiting..........nopics
IM SORRRRRYYY !!! <3 <3 <3 :D I have heaps of photos but since the plans have changes and the M934 stays there for a bit longer, all the photos are pretty much my sister and i pulling stupid faces and even stupider stunts in an effort to entertain ourselves! I know you boys come here for photos of trucks! im sorry to disappoint!

Late to the party, AGAIN ! Hope all goes well for ya Miss Alice. Ya know where we are if ya need us. ( and wheelspinner is right about the pics, but I know it's been a Whirlwind tour ). Waiting patiently tuh hear more.

What an adventure!! PLEASE post lots of pics!!
Not many of the truck as we havent had much time with it given that the plans have gone ****y and we will be going home now and reuniting again in a few weeks.

Well, I'll guess she's in the middle of the recovery and no news is good news, due to pricey out of country internet access?
No shes just got her head in the clouds and a lot on her plate. Im sorry i havent updated, ill be better next time!

Better she invest time at the beginning of this adventure than be waylaid later in the boonies.
Love the boonies, get me some boones farm ;)

Good luck plenty of water works and maybe a pillow.
The tears slowly create rust which adds to the grit of the surface. I enjoy the feel of rusty steel rubbing up against my cheek at night.
What is the point?
Point of what?
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Well-known member
Steel Soldiers Supporter
Camp Wood/LC, TX
Yup, the ol' DMV strikes again. Too bad. Tires on your rig are the ones you want. Shipping expandovans is a bit painful, the height requires you to book a "RGN" trailer (removable goose neck) and those drivers like to get 4 bucks a mile. Love the pics.


New member
Toronto Canada
Yeeeeh, i suppose i should have been able to foresee the issue but i was just assuming they dont care about canadians and what we're up to. ;)
Will be a bit of a headache to ship yeah but hey-ho what can i do its not the end of the world.


Feo, Fuerte y Formal
Supporting Vendor
Mason, TN
Yeeeeh, i suppose i should have been able to foresee the issue but i was just assuming they dont care about canadians and what we're up to. ;)
Will be a bit of a headache to ship yeah but hey-ho what can i do its not the end of the world.
I can get it to Clints place in Detroit here in a few weeks if need be. I need to make a run up that way anyways to see his winnebago 5 ton.

Sent from my SM-G935P using Tapatalk


New member
Toronto Canada
Oh nice thanks for the offer. The seller has offered to arrange most of it because a friend of his can do it, but if not ill PM you for the details and a quote :)


New member
Toronto Canada
Lowboys ain't gonna be cheap, good thing yer not footin that bill
In all fairness i wouldnt mind splitting it, i mean im happy AF if i never even saw the bill but the way i see it i would have paid for the fuel bringing the boss home anyway. Im certainly not loaded but money over people, id rather everyone leave happy from the sale one friend greater :)
Glad your spirits are still up , you will get her home soon I have no doubt
We're aiming for end of August but obviously the time is in the hands of the DMV. In the mean time im keeping occupied ;)

20527551_690515874492941_47649564_n.jpgILL BUILD MY OWN l̶u̶n̶a̶r̶ ̶l̶a̶n̶d̶e̶r̶ TRUCK! With Blackjack and hookers...


Well-known member
Smyrna, ga
Be carefull , a cute girl and a green truck ,, lol with all us old men we are proud and the young ones might stalk you lol kidding there are great people here and all will help ! It's great to see your enthusiasm , the drive home is an adventure ! Wish it had happened but you will have plenty in your new green iron . Keep us up to date

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


Madness Takes Its Toll...
Steel Soldiers Supporter
Orlando, FL
Alice - Welcome to the best forum in the world for people that have been bitten by the OD Iron bug!!!! :driver::jumpin::clinto::naner: :mrgreen: [thumbzup] :cookoo:
I see that you have a full-fledged case of OD Fever. Unfortunately, there is no cure. There is no 12 step program. The illness usually progresses with time. Green trucks tend to get lonely. Your M934 will want a companion, and you'll squeeze blood from stones to buy another truck, trailer, truck, truck....you see where this is going.

SS is FULL of helpful information and friends. Don't hesitate to reach out and ask for assistance. Have fun on your adventure! :)


Well-known member
Looks like a great truck! It's too bad you couldn't drive it home like you planned, but in the end it'll still be in your driveway when its all set and done.

Keep us updated!


New member
Toronto Canada
Be carefull , a cute girl and a green truck ,, lol with all us old men we are proud and the young ones might stalk you lol kidding there are great people here and all will help ! It's great to see your enthusiasm , the drive home is an adventure ! Wish it had happened but you will have plenty in your new green iron . Keep us up to date
Haha the young ones dont have the attention span to stalk, and anyone else ought to question the sanity of a girl who stands solo and smiles in the face of danger. Shes either naive AF or shes got bigger demons behind her for back up. ;) Im certainly harmless and have the best intentions for everyone i meet but i welcome anyone who thinks they can mess with me, give me an excuse to be wicked.

Its all for the best, perhaps it wasnt the best idea to drive such a distance right now, doesnt mean it wont happen in the future, i guarantee this guy will travel across the continent with me, but just not right at this time <3

Great truck and nice pics. There are a few good MV people around Toronto; I met two of them last year. Rusty Loads (from Toronto) even drove his Tatra to the GA rally last year, maybe you can go in convoy this year or organize a Canadian - Toronto meeting.
That. Would. Be. SO COOL :D
To have a local rally would be amazing, or just have someone near by to get advice from. Ill look them up :) Thanks.
Alice - Welcome to the best forum in the world for people that have been bitten by the OD Iron bug!!!! :driver:
I see that you have a full-fledged case of OD Fever. Unfortunately, there is no cure. There is no 12 step program. The illness usually progresses with time. Green trucks tend to get lonely. Your M934 will want a companion, and you'll squeeze blood from stones to buy another truck, trailer, truck, truck....you see where this is going.

SS is FULL of helpful information and friends. Don't hesitate to reach out and ask for assistance. Have fun on your adventure! :)
Well its got a toy moped, German military bike brother overseas, ive infected my sister with the popular Humvee itch so that might be keeping it company soon too. I welcome the full blow contagious outbreak ;) Guns, i want guns... Can i just get honorary american citizenship please?
Looks like a great truck! It's too bad you couldn't drive it home like you planned, but in the end it'll still be in your driveway when its all set and done.
Keep us updated!
Thanks! I really cant wait to get behind that wheel again. ^_^
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New member
Toronto Canada
I was just sent this photo today. Hes patiently waiting, much more patiently than i ;)

With all the above being said you guys hit the nail on the head, this forum IS one of the best communities ive been a part of. You guys have welcomed me with open arms and helped me find what im looking for, identify and foresee any issues or challenges i may face, and the adventures i could have, and as a result fuelled my pursuit for this big guy until i finally found him. Doesnt even end there as everyone was kind enough to still give me advice and answer my stupid questions as they come. It can be really tough for a beginner to learn the ropes when they dont have support and i feel very fortunate for you all and to know there are seriously solid guys here who are willing to spare their time and teach me a thing or two. Ive made really amazing friends here and i hope to always be a part of this community. <3

Effingham IL was one of my favourite towns to stop in. I won this little dude from the Toy Soldier claw machine with my sis coaching by, third times the charm fellas.
I remember when we were little our dad would dominate the claw machines at the markets, he knew all the tricks to them and how to get them to cough up those sweet sweet cheapo toys, so i couldnt resist.
Ignore my defeated posture, the combination of my natural basement dweller/desk jockey/creep-like posture + being awkwardly tall for the controls + the 18 or more hours/day driving around in a compact civic = turned me into a scuttle crab for a few days after.

This road trip ended too soon but i had a blast with my sister. IT may be over for us but i will keep posting on this thread until everyone reaches the finish line. The big guy is still yet to cross, so no man left behind, its not over.

In the mean time, cheers to everyone still here!

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PSVB 3003
Steel Soldiers Supporter
Lexington, South Carolina
End of August is just in time for the VA Rally. If the Boss isn't at his new home by then, fly into Dulles Airport (Washington, DC) rent a car and come to the VA Rally in Syria, VA for the weekend. Last year one of the attendees ran his expando van in the truck races - with the sides left expanded! And Karl is supposed to be there with his beautifully restored half track. I'll again be rangemaster for the folks that want to go shooting when they are not riding around in their vehicles on the trails. If I know you are coming, I'll be sure to pack some lead spitting toys for you to try out! Look for the thread "Graves Mountain Rally, 2017" or similar for more info (or PM Cabell - 'cgarbee' on the site).
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