1. If you don't know what the clear circuit breakers are, you need to start reading in the books.
2. There is a fine thread on fasteners, started by DAYBREAK. It has all the info you need to order fasteners. If you read the thread DAYBREAK listed in his post, at message # 32 and 33, there are listings of places to buy fasteners.
3. The wire schematic is for me, new. Doesn't look at all like what I know. Probably a new version. Look at it, and SEE if it is for the MEP-803A, or the type of modified gen set you have. How about a picture of the data plate where it lists the gen set model number. In theory, when a gen set is modified like this, it should change the model number of the gen set. The Army, only allows equipment to be "Changed", read that modified, when the equipment gets another model number, OR can be changed back to its original configuration in a timely manner.
4. I asked someone who is in "the know" if he can get me a document on how to DO the modification, in the hopes that you can use it to UNDO the modification. In theory, (theory is NOT to be trusted!!) you should only need to REMOVE all these extra wires, and the set should function. If my friend is working this next week, and if such a document can be given to me, you shall get it. Even if the document can not be given to us, he should be able to explain how its done.
5.Read the -10 manual.