EDITED TO ADD: Visible glass area (excluding the frame) as measured mid-top side to mid-bottom side, is 4" on the outside glass surface and 3.25" on the inside glass surface
Ok, sorry for the delay, here are the vision block photos and measurements. As you know, the blocks are two parallelograms in a wedge configuration, so I did a quick sketch to show the dimensions of all the sides of the parallelograms. So, the top of the block is smaller than the bottom, and the inside is smaller than the outside. I placed the blocks on a sheet of paper, so you can see they are the correct soft-ray type of green tint, like tinted glass on an old GM muscle car. I also took pics where I angled the blocks into the light, to show the slight air pockets starting in the glass. The blocks are not cloudy, but you can see where the laminate layers are starting to show that slight wavy/watery look of delamination. Thankfully, no water got in there to cause cloudiness, so overall I'd consider these in fair-to-good shape, compared to the other blocks I've seen. The black spots on the glass appear to be tar or sealer on the surface. I'd say whoever removed them may have had a solvent to try and break the gasket sealant/tar for the removal process, and had sticky fingers as a result.
They all have the same Falconer part number and are late-80's production. If anyone can help me positively identify them via the part number, I'd greatly appreciate it. They are definitely not a V-100 part. However, if the outer face dimensions are the same as a V-100 block and the taper is the same (I haven't checked), you could use them in a V-100, they just would not be as thick. Might be good for a V-100 turret application, where no one would notice the thinner thickness dimension and they'd be pretty much up above a spectator's line of sight when installed.
Anyhow, I want to list them for sale in the classifieds but really want to ensure I can describe them accurately to prevent any surprises/disappointments. They were listed as V-150 parts on eBay when I bought them, and the lot included one V-100 block ("LOF 100734" P/N). That made me wonder if V-150's used thicker blocks in some (forward) positions and thinner ones in side/rear positions. It sounds like the Dragoon did just that, so hopefully someone with a V-150 or Dragoon parts manual can look up the "Falconer 112467F" part number and help me identify them.