You wrote, "They are looking for any reason they can find to outlaw our trucks ......"
Who are "they". Is there something afoot that I am not aware of. Is this just in your area or is this a nation wide movement that "they" are working on?
Just curious,
We should start another thread about this. There are many law suites regarding owning military surplus trucks, we fall through some very small cracks here in Michigan if you think about the no need to have a CDL, emissions they put off, barely DOT approved tires, the slow speed danger on a interstate, I am waiting to here the hard facts here in Michigan but they also have changed some laws about 10,000 lb GVW vehicles here and the DOT jurisdiction over said vehicles. Our governors attempt to make some money for a bankrupt state.
Lets say someone blows a steer tire and kills a car load of people this will bring into question the safety of the vehicle and don't forget the law suit happy country we live in. Some further investigation turns up that the said driver was driving one of 17 1971 military trucks being transported and left the lot with a bad front tire from the start. If they go after GL you bet your ass they wont let us drive another truck off the lot. Granted this could happen to the guy who bought one truck I am just saying trying to drive 17 home is pushing the ods for trouble a little in my opinion..
There is no doubt "They" are out there.. From the piss ass neighbors I have that dont think I should be able to own them, to people who think they put out to much polution, to complaints of leaking oil and polluting the ground water, to they have antiquated brake systems and should be outlawed on public roads, to they go to slow on the interstate, to they are ugly, on and on.. But lets start another posting to discuss this and not rain on Bills 17 truck winning parade..