I need a bit of guidance here, as electrical issues are, well you know. Anyway, I have been searching all day and have learned a lot. So, a bit of background, I replaced my glow plugs with ac60g's on Saturday. To this point I had no real issues, but when its cold it was hard to start and I was getting more smoke out of the left side then the other, and winter is coming. After I replaced them I noticed the resistor smoking. Also, the relay is buzzing rather then clicking, like its moving in slow motion. I tested the relay, and I was getting 24.6v at the top post. I then changed the relay and bypassed the resistor. Now I have 12v at the top post, and 8-9v at each gp. The relay clicks when I turn the key on now, but it still doesn't seem to be cycling the glow plugs. What's the next thing to check? What would cause an otherwise functional system to act up after a gp swap? Any help is appreciated, thank you