Here's the process.
Parts manual provides the CAGE and Part Number. Take the CAGE to the BINCS website (see post 1 of the 2011 VIN INFO thread if you need a link to this website), punch in the CAGE Code Number into BINCS and that will give you the MFG of the part.
Part number in many cases is the same for the MFG as the mil. If you hit a dead end, never fear, Google searchs will provide results as the next step in the process. If that fails then you have an issue unless you have or know someone with access to FEDLOG or AMDF.
I suspect you will find 90% or more without having to resort to FEDLOG or AMDF.
No matter what, the process takes time. Researching parts is a good portion of time it takes for mainteance personnel to do their job. There really isn't a real quick way to do it.
Good luck.