The truck has just been released from the shop. the detailing and PM's have been done, thanks to friends and sponsors, we are ready to celebrate our country's birthday! I have a small motorpool who will be at an honored position in the parade (right up front... just behind the color party!).
CBC TV has loaned me a cool high def camera, so I'll post some videos after the parade.
Here's a teaser pic of the M-135 after her beauty salon treatment.
BTW, my wife took the time to help get the truck ready, and reprint the banners. Karen is right into this project.
Dang, I'm lucky. I'm blessed by good friends too, who made this project happen, for our Legion and Veterans.
Our locals have taken ownership of the truck, and feel that it is part of THEIR city! They are prouder than we are.
Everyone loves the truck and are fighting for seats, to ride in her in the parade!