Exactly my point about vague! When I sat on the Board 20 years ago the definition off a truck was brought up and I was told by all the Senior Board members that the common definition of a truck was an 18 wheeler. They took action against someone who parked a rig in the development at that time. The point is this in not an 18 wheeler and the definition can and will change depending upon who sits on the Board.
I do not tend to chalk it up and plan to go as far up the line as I can to preserve my rights. The Association also prohibited satellite dishes and the law was later changed prohibit them from doing that which mean prohibitions can be on home owners and even be illegal.
I spent literally over a year of my life inside one of these vehicles building W33 and M753 nuclear rounds. I have every right to freedom of speech and nothing shows my pride more than being able to possess and show this vehicle off as a way I helped to keep America free. Not everyone was qualified for the PRP, NRAS, and Special Weapons Program and I was one of the few in this country who was qualified and went through alot of stress and hardship as a result of it. The vehicle is not parked in the street and is parked on my private property.
The vehicle has been filmed by famous photographers from out of state and has a bullet hole in the left rear that went out the rear right window, while the window was replaced the hole was never repaired. It is a symbol of its use in combat. I also show it off to the kids in the neighborhood who ask to see it and tell them about the history of this type of vehicle. I run it in the 4th of July Parade every year as well. I even have it registered for use with the Harford County Emergency Operation Center for use during flooding and severe weather conditions because it has the deep fording kit and cold weather kit.
This vehicle continues to serve the community and America in nothing but a positive way at no expense to the taxpayers and deserves to be shown and displayed proudly. It should not have to reside in some out of the way location as an eye sore or disgrace. It cost the American taxpayer $94,737 new in 1968 and should continue to serve as a reminder to all about the cost of peace.
Finally, I am not denying it is a shop van truck and readily admit it in the lawsuit. I do deny as the Association claims that it is an "Army truck" as it has no affiliation with the Army and is owned privately. I also mention that it is a Class C vehicle and can be operated with a Class C license which is what everyone else needs to operate a car or non-commercial truck. Quite frankly, I point out that there are pick-up trucks which have a similar load capacity that are used and parked in a residential zoned neighborhood. I also point out that there are cars with similar camouflage paint jobs operated and owned in the Association. As this case is in a lower court, I have been asked by my attorney not to seek Amicus Briefs from Steel Soldier members because the lower court will not consider them in their decision. If I lose and when I appeal (not if) or the Association appeals a loss, I will be able to seek Amicus Briefs in support of my case. I hope all of you will send an Amicus Brief to the court at that time regarding your support of my keeping it in on private property.
Thank you for your time and consideration! Yes, I understand full well that Maryland has a long history of denying individual rights dating back to its days as an occupied state during our Civil War. However, I feel an obligation to my children to fight the most fundamental violation of property ownership which is allowing someone else to tell me what I can and cannot have on my private property. We have reached an unfortunate time in our country's history where people are just too ready to roll over and not fight for their rights. It is trully a sad time indeed