When I was first starting out with WVO about 30yrs ago, I employed a gaggle of jerrycans and did the mixing by hand, dumping from one can to another.. For storage, I relied on the growing stash of plastic 5-gallon motor/hyd/gear oil pails. This kept handling weight to a minimum.. Those oil pails have handles, removable tops, and are stackable.. But as the processed oil supply outgrew my pails and jerrycans, I switched to using standard 275g heating oil tanks...
275's might work well for you because they can be found cheap, have the fuel level gauge, and some have a bottom drain port.. I also have four 300g steel farm (skid) tanks, but I have them for normal fuels and require sticking for level monitoring... Whenever I ran out of storage for the WVO,, 55g steel drums on pallets worked fine.
I built a filtering outfit from a couple 55g steel drums and a couple oil-rated pumps to move product between drums, through the filters, and dispensing.. Everything is grounded for static because of flammables used in the mix... At the final filter set is a long standard dispensing hose with nozzle to direct-fill trucks and heavy equip etc... Portable, the whole outfit rides on a low-profile covered trailer .. I found out last spring it was not bear proof, but obviously you will not have that problem with WMO .