Was working in the field and the M998 suddenly wouldn't start. Made a strange noise and I saw smoke coming from the battery compartment. The bolt head that is on the ground side (not the battery ground terminal side) of the shunt had arced and is a little loose. When I rotate it slightly I can feel there is a cable on the other side (it doesn't just spin). I worked it back and forth a bit and got a good enough connection to get the thing started (before this the headlights would not come on and the glow plug light would just flash). Got it back to the barn and parked it . I assume that I can loosen and clean the connections (after disconnecting the battery) and be OK again. Not sure how to reach inside the cab while I'm under the truck. Since it is single digits here I thought I'd double check that there isn't something else weird going on before I freeze my butt off again. Not sure how it worked loose and I assume it is just a pass through from the shunt to a cable but I didn't feel like lying in the snow to find out before I got it started. Is it just a nut and bolt through the shunt with a clearance hole in the sheet metal? The nuts holding the shunt in place spin so I assume those are nuts and bolts too and not a stud. Again asking so I can get a helper on hand before I crawl under and find out I need an extra set of hands. Thanks