The clutch on both FLU 419s were almost stuck at mid pedal travel. I put up with it for a couple of years. I was able to lubricate the throw out bearing “collar” where it slides on the transmission input shaft “tube” today. Cut a hole where it looks like an access panel was planned. Pressed the clutch pedal to floor and held it with a piece of wood. Lubed the lower side of the “tube” using grease on a piece of welding rod. Lubed the upper side of the “tube” by lifting a cord with a weight over the “tube” with a bent piece of aluminum welding rod and letting it fall, then putting grease on the cord and worked it back and forth over the top. Still have to put a dab of grease on the two fingers. This was the HMMH. I’m guessing the SEE is the same but don’t have that one here now to verify that. Note the galling on the magnified photo.