If power goes down here, it will be in the most extreme conditions. Even though I store the unit inside, its an unheated building. In the event that one will need the MEP, it will be the worst case...... -60F. Then when word gets out that there is mobile power, I'll have friends that I haven't met yet, and the tarp inclosure will be important in containing some heat to get her started, then keeping her content during operation, by regulating the temperature some, with the tarp. I know what the unit is rated to do, but nothing likes -60! The exhaust was manditory (pieces from NAPA). The battery switch is just for safety. There is a pig tail that powers the various plug-ins - each is on its own breaker, sized to the plug. The 100 gallon tank, simplifies the fuel system.
I have the house and shop on a transfer switch, and can run those easy. with the rated output, and keep things like the water system from freezing up. The plug in panel though is in "self defense". I learned long ago, I don't modify my stuff during extreme conditions, so I can help somebody. They have to be able to plug in. I have a couple spare plugs too, just in case. The electrical stuff came from Home Depot & Lowes.