Looking to use a 275 gallon IBC tote for feeding my 802A.
Am I missing a thread that details the best way to do this? The search term "ibc" is too short for the search function. So far I know I need to modify a 6" IBC top cap to include a JIC adapter. I am seeing conflicting information on the proper size for the aux hose. Is it JIC -5 or JIC 5/16? I have a hose here but no way to identify the proper size of the JIC connector. Then comes the siphon, it should be one piece copper, but what diameter is acceptable? Lastly, what sort of filter should be on the end of the siphon? Thanks!
Am I missing a thread that details the best way to do this? The search term "ibc" is too short for the search function. So far I know I need to modify a 6" IBC top cap to include a JIC adapter. I am seeing conflicting information on the proper size for the aux hose. Is it JIC -5 or JIC 5/16? I have a hose here but no way to identify the proper size of the JIC connector. Then comes the siphon, it should be one piece copper, but what diameter is acceptable? Lastly, what sort of filter should be on the end of the siphon? Thanks!