I'm all for finding legal and safe ways to make a few bucks with my MVs but I think you need to treat this in a businesslike fashion.
The military uses these things in combat and combat support roles and to train for them. Many things they do with them are not transferable to civilian experience.
I suspect that regardless of what state you are in you will need a taxi, bus or livery registration and insurance to transport people as a core part of any business plan.
I recommend you contact the commercial vehicle enforcement folks in your state. Ask for a determination on the matter. To avoid the common quagmire of opinions and knee-jerk reactions, as opposed to fact, ask them to cite the applicable section of state vehicle and traffic code for each finding or determination.
Then , since you will be using the vehicle in a business, and I'd bet a lot of money that your insurance policy specifically prohibits the carriage of people and cargo for hire, you'll need business insurance that accepts the risk. I think that will be tough.
You really ought to spend the money to consult with a lawyer about establishing a limited liability corporation (LLC). That is an inexpensive way to possibly insulate your other non-business assets (including things like your future income) from lawsuits.
The reality is that we live in a litigious society and I can see where, no matter what you do to modify a deuce, you will be easy pickings for a personal injury lawyer.