Mouse: Tapping the positive terminal on the grounded battery is the only place your going to get 12 volts. Light loads, like a CB or similar, won't be as bad as larger loads like headlights, (the worst would be things like snow plow pumps, etc.). I would still recommend one of the 24v - 12v converters, (step down transformers) as these are a 24 volt load on the system, while giving you the 12v you need for accessories. I have been meaning to check on sources for these but haven't gotten around to it. Another option might be to put a -12v zenor diode, (from someone like newark electronics) in series with your accessories and hook them up to 24v. I haven't tried it, but in theory, it should work. If you do go the route of hooking up to the grounded battery, Bjorn's recomendation of charging the batteries inependently when you can is the best way to deal with it. You will still be overcharging the above ground battery while driving and should keep an eye on the water level in that battery. Dave