M101A2 wagon only $400 w/fees
M101A2 with cover and bows $525 w/fees
M101A3 wagon $525 w/fee
M101A3 w/Hmwwv wheels, top bows and cover $650 w/fees
Green brings higher prices than tan
M105A2 wagon only $335 w/fees
M105A2 with top bows and cover $425 w/fees
M105A2 green camo more than green, which is more than tan. Prices vary up and down those ranges, depending on condition, rust, and location. Some weeks are better than others at the same location. It's unpredictable, but these are excellen averages for all but the Pacific coast, where prices are higher due to retailers buying up all the good stuff and reselling them to those people who have more money then sense.