As already posted if you have a shop nearby that has the tooling that is the best option. However, if you have a few basic tools and a vice it is not difficult to R&R brake linings, especially if the linings are predrilled. It helps to have soldier B when one doesn’t have the “big” machines.
To remove the old rivets, position the shoe with lining down over the open jaws of the vice. Take a punch and drive out the rivets, this is where soldier B comes in handy. Clean the metal up with a wire brush or a wire wheel on a bench grinder if you have one. To install the new rivets takes an “anvil” and a couple of punches. A metal rod the size of the rivet held upright in the vise works well. As already posted start the rivet with a center punch and finish with a regular punch. There are actual hand rivet punches that are not very expensive. As also already posted start installing the rivets center out. If the linings are not predrilled, it’s getting into take them to a shop time.