There were 4 of M514s and 3 M390c trailers. We recovered 5 total. Squirt Truck and a friend got the other 3 trailers. Two remaining M390c 2 ton 2 wheel trailers await recovery.
SB27 passed the house and senate. The DMVS/DOT opposed SB28 at the last farking minute because they got confused over what the FMCSA wanted relating to the bill. FMCSA marked it up with a bunch of changes that they wanted and DOT thought it meant that the bill was counter to FMCSA desires. It didn't go far enough, it didn't run counter to their requirements. So, I'm going to corner Representative Tom Rice about it because he wanted DOT to get back to him on the bill's needs and they apparently didn't.
We'll have to go another year to get the gist of SB28 through. I'll need some extra guys to come in. I'll also be working on a bill for getting titles for collector vehicles older than 20 years if the owner wants to pay extra for one.