Guess whos paying to ship those trucks. (its not GL Ill tell you that much)
My understanding from talking to one DRMO manager and GL reps from two different regions is that if the property is still DRMO's the government pays shipping. If it has been transferred to GL then GL pays or reimburses for shipping.
Like others I've watched trucks go from the NYARNG to Mechanicsburg, PA on the government's dime, get sent on to Richmond, VA on GL's dime and then get shipped back to Fort Drum, NY when Richmond was overcrowded, again on GL's dime.
A couple of years ago I bought a CTARNG truck that went through that exact goofiness. All the bill's of lading were in the truck. The truck was a very clean freshly painted M35A2C w/w and hardtop and the total of shipping costs was half again what I paid for the truck.
Last year a bunch of NYARNG M915A1s were shipped to Mechanicsburg on the federal dime and then back to Drum on GL's dime and sold in the $2300-2,500 range. I'll bet the shipping was close to the gross.