"ROSCO- I really like your setup!!! Nice exhaust also. Im planning on setting up my 002 like that. "
I recently bought and 002. Because of its single exhaust port that is exposed, its easier to deal with. On my 003, I made up bolt on flanges, so that you can take the exhaust pipe off. On the 002 I simply got a formed 2", 90* bend exhaust elbow from NAPA, and also about 5' of 2"ID flexible exhaust pipe tubing that will slide over the end of the elbow. Then because the 45* NPT elbow that is normally seen on the small MEP's exhaust, is in fact NPT, I used two 11/2" jam nuts for EMT conduit. One I just threaded on the MEP's NPT 45* elbow as a jam nut, and the other jam nut, I welded on the NAPA exhaust elbow. Then, it too, can be screwed on the MEP's elbow. With this, the 1st thing I do when running the 002, I turn the exhaust UP, so its not in my face, or wiith the flexible pipe, I can direct it out the shop door, through and exhaust pipe port in the shop door.