Thanks for all the help in my last thread but I have some more questions. The “percent rated current” gauge. Either was explained to me by the gentleman I bought the gen from that this is the gen output. He said you wanted to run the gen at 75% to avoid wet stacking. I must say I am impressed with this unit, the picture I will attach of the meter showing it just a tad under was with my 5ton central air running, my 1.5 ton central air for my garage, pool pump, fridge, lights, TV I was amazed, I was finding stuff to turn on to get it up that high. I do not need to run all of these things in a hurricane I just want to avoid damage to the unit. So I guess my two questions would be. 1 is this meter used to gauge the output of the generator? 2 When the AC kicks on that meter jumps all the way up, it happens so fast maybe half a second, the gauge doesn’t even stop at the high point. Is that bad for the unit for that split second? Or don’t in say every 20 min intervals as the AC cycles on and off.