From the TM: " Purpose: The mobilizer is used to transport an electronic equipment shelter used to house a working system, and has a maximum payload capacity of 4000 pounds. It is designed for highway operation. A shelter adapter kit is used to provide attachment points on the shelter for mounting the mobilizer.
Attachment to Shelter: Position rear trailer dolly at door end of the shelter and front trailer dolly at other end of shelter, then proceed as follows:
(a) Align spades on mobilizer with shelter brackets. (b) Insert mobilizer spades into sockets, align locking pin holes. (c) Insert locking pins through aligned holes. Repeat this procedure at all four attachment points on the shelter. (d) Pump each dolly to raised position. (e) Lock strut in position. (f) Install tie cable assemblies, connecting front and rear dollies, tighten nuts with pump handle."
This is all I can find out about actually using this thing. No pictures or diagrams.
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