Our moderators do a great job keeping this site on target and focusing the conversation. If we didn't have the mods shutting down certain threads, then topics would get way off in the deep end. Also we don't need the politics being injected on a Military Vehicle site, because that creates a rifts and causes people to start attacking each other. It makes our site look like many other sites out there that aren't worth the time in viewing. This is a private site, it has the right to be run how the owner sees fit. As others say, if you really don't like it, there are plenty of other sites out there. We should want a clean site that welcomes people from all walks of life and from all parts of the world. I'll admit, in the beginning I thought that the mods were over closing threads but, after sitting back and really looking at it, they are trying to maintain this site and are doing so to the best of their ability and quite frankly they do a dang good job of it.
Personally I think the moderators for the time they put in to this site!!!