I'm trying to time my 270 in the DUKW. The TM9-802, pg. 201 #C, says to lower the rpm to 350 so the centrifugal advance hasn't kicked in, and align the ball on the flywheel with the needle. The ball is set at 5 BTDC. The power plant manual TM9-1802A, pg. 238 section 130/B/5, says to have the engine running at normal idle rpm, which is 510 rpm, big difference. Any ideas?...Assuming it's supposed to be the 350 rpm, which my vehicle won't idle at, the 1802A, pg. 218/Data/Centrifugal Advance, says there should be 2 degrees of advance at 400 rpm and 10 degrees at 800 rpm. Interpolating I get 6 degrees at 600 rpm, which I can idle at quite nicely. My timing light allows me to advance the timing flashes. If I set it to 6 degrees of advance this will put the ball under the needle at 600 rpm. Correct?...The 9-802, pg. 202 #2 at the top, also says to advance it another 3 degrees if your using fuels over 75 octane, which we are. This would put me at 9 degrees of advance on the light, at 600 rpm..I talked to an expert this week who says they "time them by ear", turning the distributor by hand to get max rpm and then retard it about 3 degrees, anyone do it this way?...If anyone has expertise in this I'd really like to talk to you by phone, please PM me your number. Thanks Hank in FL