i wish i could get ahold of it, even in the wretched condition its in right now. the only problem is that the owner is a man by the name of Sam, as in Uncle Sam. im not sure why its there, but its near a drilling area called Vietnam Village. its a prison camp with grass topped towers and mock VC tunnels for training our boys, and its still in use, i saw hummers there last time i was out that way. i wouldnt want to get caught tryin to take the truck or anything off of it, my dad knew somebody who got caught taking junk off of the ranges for scrap metal and was sent to federal prison for it. theres a bunch of cool military stuff near my house in the woods, i'll have to take a trail ride in my samurai so i can get some pics of all the trucks, jeeps, and tanks that are around the woods on FT. Dix