OK, My wife is off the w-ends of Oct. 4 and 18. Those two weekends would be great for me, due to the fact that my lovely bride will be home, therfore, able to do the eagle eye thing on the kids. Sadly, Jacob will not be attending...as of now..due to his really crappy grades in math and summer school math. Guess he doesn't wana drive too soon...sorry, I'm venting. How does a 3 day thing sound? Maybe Sat. thru Mon., or, Fri. thru Sun.???? I'd leave Thurs. or Fri. eve to get a good spot..most likely the same as the last times, why is it called Friday anyway?. and we could have a choice of two days to go to Slash - X and a day to do some shooting or what ever. Maybe we could figure out a few other activities to do. All youse guys, get your junk ready, prime your spouses and let's get on it. Before you know it, October will be here. Let's have some feedback on the dates. There are a bunch of new So. Cal guys, let's get hooked up.