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- Davis County, UT
When is Steel Soldiers going to store uploaded pictures in larger formats?
The desire to have pictures self-contained on the website so threads remain valid and pictures don't die on 3rd party hosting is working against itself when pictures are reduced to sizes smaller than computer resolutions of 15 years ago. Sub 1024x768.
Here is what pictures look like on my PC. Look at all the dead space, and I don't mean the computer game. It's hard to even see the trucks in these pictures (at "full size"), let alone any detail. Panoramic pictures look even more terrible.
The desire to have pictures self-contained on the website so threads remain valid and pictures don't die on 3rd party hosting is working against itself when pictures are reduced to sizes smaller than computer resolutions of 15 years ago. Sub 1024x768.
Here is what pictures look like on my PC. Look at all the dead space, and I don't mean the computer game. It's hard to even see the trucks in these pictures (at "full size"), let alone any detail. Panoramic pictures look even more terrible.
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