I can see saving
a couple of these for museums, or sentimental reasons. But other than that I say "Hack 'em all up!!"
You who call yourselves "purists" need to think about this...The more these vehicles are Rodded, Customized & Modified, the more broad the appeal & the greater the fanfare. ...Not just from veterans, but from the untold masses!!..... You may cringe at this at first (I don't care either way) but If you stick to your (old & creaky)...GUNS, you'll find that all them thar' whippersnappers "ruining" Their trucks have ..(read carefully now)....
The example cited earlier about Street Rods is right on. I had a '57 Chev in High School...Do I even need to tell you that it was NOT STOCK?!!! I got more attention than Pamela Anderson visiting Vatican City. The Geritol crowd scoffed at how I'd "ruined" a fine car.
I sold my '57 in the mid '80's, for a pretty penny (at the time). The funny part is that I've had some of my old classmates tell me that they had gotten into Hot Rods because of my CHEVY. The funny part is they both have very nice & totally different cars...One is a completely stock Convertible, & the other is a balls out Monster!....But they Both credit me for their interest in the sport?.
Who knows how these big green Hulks will be MOST revered??....Correct CARC colors standing at attention ready for inspection, or Bobbed with a Monster motor & built to the hilt???
..........Who cares?!!!! There's
Gajillions of 'em!!
Just get one soon!!