The answer is yes, all tactical vehicles are painted in carc, that is a fact. Torching, sanding and breathing this is dangerous, just like any other paint, i have a few bultetins from uncle sam that say after the gulf war 1 , studys were done because of course people got sick and blamed the trucks, it is 100 percent false, Painting and body work require the same safety measures that should be performed at all times in any body shop, a quality resporator. and skin protection, all the stuff that makes common sense is needed here, carc is a cancer causing agent in the lungs. so are other paints. There is actually water base carc now i have a few gallons from the shop here. Never a problem asking, and glad U checked, I think the reading of past posts just helps get more info to the user, sorry if i sounded with a fast answer, Do not be afraid of it, it is harmless , like any other material U need to get it air born to be a problem and then breath it. that is what they are saying, most are just being careful when offering such advise.