You have to log into your GL account. Then on the left side of the screen, there is a colum of options. Scroll down to "Forms" and click on it. It will open up a page that has a list of "eforms" and "forms". Under the "eforms" list, you should see "Request for SF97". Click on the link and it will ask for the invoice number of the lot you won, and then you'll be directed to another page where you'll have to fill in the required information. You'll also have to enter your credit card info to place the order. I can't remember if you can print it and mail a check or not. If memory serves me correctly, you have to enter a credit card number for them to bill. The page said it would take 30 to 60 days, but I got mine in the mail in 25 days. If these instructions aren't clear enough, or your "account page" doesn't have the things laid out like I said, you can always call GL and ask for their assistance.