I built my own pair of rubber strips using a piece of 1/4" mud flap. The mud flap (bought from NAPA for big trucks) is built like a tire and has reinforcing material just like the tires and I thought it would hold up a lot better than the originals. I don’t believe the originals had any reinforcements in them, but they are nicer because they have countersinks for the screws. When I cut mine out, I used 10-32 counter sunk stainless screws so the flat head would pull into the rubber and I could control how much they countersunk by how I tighten the screws. I used nylon lock nuts also. They are about 6.5” long, buy 1” wide and ¼” thick I believe. Maybe the width is 3/4“…. Not sure now. Plus they were free as I had the mud flap material from another project.