December 11th, 2013.
Nice truck. I think Doghead back on page one must've been having an off day, as in situations like that he usually says "Search is your Friend"! So it might just be M923 envy. Just a question or two from my end, having owned a driven a much smaller deuce and a half.
When one singles out the rears on a M923, does one have to "flip" the hubs like on the deuce?
Second question: While I realize that you might have an easier time with the truck singled out off road in regards to handling, given the overall height of the tires on the wheels, what would the likely result be of a major blowout on the road? With the duals you would at least have a small degree of redundancy to buy you time to get the truck stopped safely. As they say in Texas "Curiousity kills the cat!"
In any case, Doghead and the moderators were, and are, trying to build an awareness of the condition of these trucks as they come off the surplus lots. Some are excellent, some are not, but the best way to know is to go over the truck(s) detail by detail. You would be amazed how many members on here do not know how to properly pre-trip their trucks, and even fewer know where to find that information.
Lately the 923 series have been getting sucked up because they are available and cheap, and yet for most members on here, and most buyers not on here, little do they realize the dangers and the costs associated with keeping these older military vehicles in safe operating condition.
I also find it interesting how we do love to nit pick, "Advise" or "Advice"...One can "Advise" another person, or one can merely give "Advice", depends on how far back you wish to go in the dictionary, and more certainly, which particular country's dictionary you are looking in for your answers..... Regrettably my spelling and grammar would not necessarily be correct for 21st century American usage, but rather 19th and very early 20th century Canadian and U.S. usages, so regrettably I can neither advise or offer advice on the matter at hand.
In any case do smile, then everyone around you will be wondering upon what you have been doing of late!

In any case, a very nice truck and have a good time restoring it.