I must have missed understood the article I read on FDC so I apologize there. Here is what I had read on FDC's:
The multifuel engine operates on a variety of fuels that have a broad range of viscosities and heat values. These variations in the fuels affect engine output. Because it is unacceptable for the power output of the engine to vary with fuel changes, the multifuel engine is fitted with a device known as a fuel density compensator (fig. 5-3
. The fuel density compensator is a device that serves to vary the quantity of fuel injected to the engine by regulating the full-load stop of the fuel pump. The characteristics of the fuels show that their heat values decrease almost inversely proportional to their viscosities. The fuel density compensator uses viscosity as the indicator for regulating fuel flow.
The last line is the main part I had looked at for the FDC beige part of what hales the motor wunderkind fuels other than diesel.