We will be going a lot of places and using the truck in parades and around people. I figured the cost of a backup camera can easily be worth it in accident avoidance alone, not to mention safety for people around me. So we wired in a backup camera. Sorry no pics of the screen
I was in a rush to finish it and catch the plane home and forgot to shoot a pic of the screen. Suffice to say, it's pretty cool looking system. We haven't powered it up yet. Screen is mounted where the rear view mirror would go on a vehicle.
These systems come with a lot of cable. I'll probably do something about the clutter later.
Back up camera module and 24 to 12v converter mounted to rear of cab.
I want a 12v system to run some 12v devices and to wire in a couple charging ports for our phone and for an Engel fridge that is going between the two front seats. I know I can pull 12v off of just one of the batteries in the rear, but Im afraid about grounding it unintentionally and running 24v through it. So I have two solutions that we are using.
First I ran a 24 > 12v converter and mounted it on the back wall. The second is a 2 battery group 27 marine deep cycle set of batteries probably to be mounted in the bed. Not 100% sure yet where we will set them. We have the batteries, but only one tray and bracket, so we will see where that goes when I return to start the big trip.
I did did mount a dual charging port on the bottom of the dash by the fire extinguisher. Have not wired it up yet.
I have a fuse block and junction box that will also probably get mounted on the back wall as well. I'm thinking about mounting a large piece of 14 or 16 ga steel to the back wall to mount all these boxes and switches to. We just ran out of time and inspiration on this trip.