Jack Stands are a wonderful invention.
HOWEVER... I have never fully trusted them.
THEREFORE... If I am going to be working along side (out-from-under) the elevated vehicle, I will typically trust my over-rated Jack Stands. When working on my POVs I will use RAMPS if I don't have to remove the wheels and tires.
MOREOVER... IF I will be UNDER the elevated vehicle I will ALWAYS raise the vehicle first with an over-rated JACK, then slip similarly OVER-RATED JACK STANDS under strategic hard-points. BUT... BEFORE going UNDER the vehicle I will next stack timber cribbing under the axles or frame depending upon what components I will be addressing. A stack of solid cribbing has no mechanical point of failure. And I NEVER keep timbers for cribbing that are deteriorating which my adversely effect the compression load the timbers will bear.
My life and health are more valuable than any short-cut that might otherwise jeopardize either my life or health.