On the outside that looks to be a nice truck. Having followed along with this post, (and many more) I would be most concerned with the systems on the insides. Seems every time you turn around it is something else.
That's can be the life of the HMMWV hobby until one clears out all the bugs.
Spent the big money on the injector and water pump. OK, hopefully good to go there??
I suggest RED TAGGING it and spending time with simple tools and the manual going front to back - top to bottom. There is a multi-point check list in the sticky's above and hit everyone of them. Great learning experience and a good way to "know your truck"
When asking for assistance be clear and straight forward. Example: Having a headlight issue. Then not checking the batteries or switch and later on stating, just replace my hood and lug nuts, makes for a nice story, But is hard to figure what the heck could be going on. Stay on point and add in known history. I am already dizzy to begin with and going in circles just make it worst.
Not trying to be a butt head here, But if the BRAKES... break, 5500 plus pounds of HMMWV could break the bank and bones.
Like Santa say's ...Checking the list and checking it twice. And I would check it again to see if the mechanics were...Well, you get the picture.
Holiday Grinch,