does anyone know if the 60hz and 400 hz Woodward speed controls the same or similar?
Its time to school you some. I assume you mean for lets say the 806A? The TM tells you this info.
Open up TM 9-6115-654-24P.
Scroll down to PDF reader page 11. There is the explanation of the UOC. Usable on Code. What the UOC is for, it to differentiate between the two models, 60 hertz, and 400 hertz.
Then scroll down to PDF reader page 13. Note, the 806A, (60 hertz model) has a UOC of EMM. For the 400 hertz model its EPC.
Then turn to PDF reader page 43, find the Governor. Its listed as Item 50.
Scroll down to PDF reader page 47. That is the descriptions of the listed parts. Sine there are two listings for the item 50, that alone tells you that the governor is different between the two models.
Now, if you want to know which one of the part numbers is the right one, look for the UOC next to the listed items. Since this is a crappy TM, its missing the UOC for the first listing of Item 50, but the second listing is plainly labeled EPC, (400 hertz).