I too am running into this issue with my rear rear left side, left front and forward rear right side. i knew the left rr chamber was leaking from the spring side, and even though i ordered new diaphragms to rebuild ALL cans, i also ordered a new svc/emerg chamber from memphis. when i installed it, i was leaking air out constantly out of the intake stack. after talking with memphis, i got that leaking issue fixed. as wes said, the auto adjuster might be the cause, so while i had it apart for the chamber replacement and adjustment, i tore the whole mess down, minus removing the spider assy, cleaned and lubed everything, replaced the adjuster/idler plunger seals, reassembled and took it for a drive to put some black gold in the tank and unfortunately, the dragging issue is not fixed.
I was also having a dragging issue on the left front axel end, and after tearing it down, cleaning, lubing and assembling, it still wasn't fixed. I dug into the tm for troubleshooting and followed the procedures, and i am not getting the 90psi to the intake side of the svc chamber, and it tells me to check a valve under the radiator, but i haven't gotten that far yet. with the tee installed on the exhaust side of the svc chamber, where i had a psi gauge, i left it open to the atmosphere, with a filter installed, i noticed i wasn't dragging. i took the tee out and back to dragging.
So, i have stopped at that point in troubleshooting as well, but need to figure out where the exhaust line goes along the frame rail.