So, I am somewhat at a loss. My 1984 M1008 will suddenly start a MASSIVE rear-end bounce at speeds below 40mph. I have to pull off and slow down to around 5mph and it settles out, then I'm back on the road again. It usually starts due to a small bump or something and once it starts, it doesn't get worse if I keep going.
The rear of the truck feels like it's bouncing from tire to tire until I get slowed down. I have replaced the rear diff oil, and everything LOOKED like it was doing what it was supposed to be doing, and I have replaced the rear brakes from the baking plate out, all the drive-line bits and bobs are right and tight from the tranny to the axle.
The rear of the truck feels like it's bouncing from tire to tire until I get slowed down. I have replaced the rear diff oil, and everything LOOKED like it was doing what it was supposed to be doing, and I have replaced the rear brakes from the baking plate out, all the drive-line bits and bobs are right and tight from the tranny to the axle.