We're heading up Monday morning.
The wife and I drove to Huntsville on Monday in a Hertz rental SUV along with #3 son and two of his buddies. Tuesday morning we arrived at the Redstone Arsenal just as a man and woman in an A3 with a trailer were getting ready to pull out. Judging from the California Historical Vehicle license plate bolted on the front, they appeared to have a long drive ahead of them.
It was 4:30 pm by the time we were on the road headed South.
All 3 had to be jump started. One didn't have brakes. My son bled the air tanks to no effect, then drained water out of the air booster - presto! Brakes started working.
The two trailers we were picking up were 10 miles down the road at a National Guard armory. One duce ran out of diesel right after we got out of the Arsenal gates and stalled in the center lane of Hwy 231. A Alabama Highway Patrol man came along and helped with traffic while we pushed the vehicle off the road and into a nearby gas station. After filling the duce with diesel, it wouldn't crank, so I had my son go on with the two working A2's and the GL guy to get the trailers while we stayed behind to see if we could get the truck running.
We got the truck running by removing the two fuel filters and manually filling them with diesel. We then reinstalling them and sprayed starting fluid in the air breather for about a minuite while cranking.
About midnight EST we stopped in Dothan for the night and got the duces home around 6 pm Wednesday evening - 677 miles total. That was one long, hot drive!