How many MPG do these get at about 55Mph?
What is the top speed?
Why did they only make 6000 of them?
What type of fuel do they take?
Do you need a CDL to drive one?
I am thinking about getting one. They seem like the ultimate BOV. What kind of money will I spend on a nice one? Are they more or less money to maintain than the A2? They seem like they are good to go right out of the box. Where can I get a camper back for it?
What is the top speed?
Why did they only make 6000 of them?
What type of fuel do they take?
Do you need a CDL to drive one?
I am thinking about getting one. They seem like the ultimate BOV. What kind of money will I spend on a nice one? Are they more or less money to maintain than the A2? They seem like they are good to go right out of the box. Where can I get a camper back for it?