No, axle clamps are NOT better. You primarily use the axle clamps for wheels up towing, where a wrecker lifts the front of your vehicle. You then hook the towbar up to the axles, with the axle clamps, being careful to gently cut the clamps holding on the brake line along the axle, and moving the clamps under the line to prevent damage and loss of brakes later.
If an emergency of sorts, and you have to dead tow from the axles using the axle feet, the max tow speed under any condition should be no greater than 25mph.
Definitely go with the towbar feet on the bumper. Good luck, and show pics when done.
p.s. Use the shortest distance for the towbar, based on the Hunter towbar. Use the distance extended as necessary for the axle tow. Someone can measure the Hunter towbar length for you in the minimum length position. It is adjustable and you are better protected in the short lenght with greater towing capacity and safety. It's somewhere around 5 feet or so. Look at some of the pics in the classified on a pallet and until you get a more refined answer, you can guesstimate based on a 48" pallet.