July 13th, 2011.
Seems that my friend Stumps up above was a bit out of joint at my comments.... But permit me to say, you don't own the machines in question, Those who did were just the caretakers for the future and they failed miserably at doing their jobs. If you think you do own something, just don't pay taxes on it, you'll find out who really does rather quick. AND I have put my money where my mouth is, to the point of loaning an irreplaceable GP9 locomotive to a bunch of train fanatics who went belly up when I was on furlough one year. Long story short, I won't loan another locomotive even to my granny without movement money to bring the machine home. AND I have encouraged the preservation of machinery by donation to reputable museums. The point of it is, there is almost no call to stunt any of these aircraft, and given the increasing chances for mechanical and structural failures, no need to.
LETS see the airplane afficonados put their money up front and get the tooling done for new P51's or B17's, its not impossible if you have the change... and the designs aren't that terribly technically sophisticated or complex. We lost one B29 to an absolute idiot who chose to not air lift her out, we lost a B17 to a fuel line leak two weeks ago, and a P51 in the incident above, you can't breed stupid out, it's in the bones. The English have proven that they can do things like recreate a brand new Peppercorn Pacific (Steam Locomotive, see youtube "Peppercorn Pacific" or "locomotive Tornado"), the "Tornado", while we Americans are unable to reproduce a locomotive built after 1863 because we won't put the monies up. Curatorially and Historically speaking, you DO NOT lose historic aircraft by storing and displaying in properly designed, and maintained fireproof/tornado proof facilities, you do lose them by flying and pushing them more then they ever need to be.... Duraluminum will degrade over time asd all aluminum does, so sooner or later someone's going to be making reproduction parts even if they only want them to sit. It's not personal, it's just my two cents worth, and I love seeing the folks tear up priceless machines for a thrill, they do it all the time at Nascar, and perhaps humans are more common then P51D's.....