Uh, I didn't even know there was a difference between 900 series and 800 series rims!
Thanks to AMGeneral (brandon) for pointing that out! And thanks to everyone who helped me get them changed out.
I love the idea of training or how too clinics. I love teaching and would volunteer to do a clinic. I've done lots of tires so maybe I'll take up the flag on that one. Plus I've got tons that need changing!
I did help out in the MKT the first day quite a bit- filled all the burners, serving a meal, ect. But after that I got caught up in the rally and helping folks, I didn't get a chance to help as much as I wanted. I really appriciate all that the MKT folks do. I would also recommend that we do not serve breakfast on Sunday- it takes Mike a long time to fold everything up. I wanted to stay and help, but we had a time schedule that couldn't be broken. I will have my MKT fully operational by next year. If we want two cooking MKT's and a sanatation MKT, then we might have 3 MKT's set up for next year. That would be awesome! BUT- we would need a lot of help to fold them all up either Sat night or Sunday morning. Sat night would probably work best, as most folks are packing up Sunday morning.
I agree with the portapottie issues- needed to be stocked and cleaned, and maybe a few extras. Sanatation stations would be great, but we would need a way to get rid of the waste water- we don't want it on the ground, it makes too big a mess.
Trail rides were good, with the lining up beforehand. I would like to see them lined up, then a meeting, as some guys might have something little to do to the truck, and this will give them 5 min or so to still make the trail ride.
As early as some of us are planning to arrive next year, if the PA system can be gotten to the rally site, and other things, we could have a good bit of that set up by the time most people get there.
There are power, water, and sewer lines right where the MKT is parked. We might want to ask DT if we can put forth the energy or funds to make these operational. Might need to build a box over them, to keep the horses from messing with the connections.
The lights were great that Blythwood Joe had. Wish we had more to spread around the compound.
I did get the first arm band, and paid for the other days, and got my cards. I never could seem to get over to the office, to exchange my card for the current day's band. I know they don't like giving the bands out early, as then people would know the color and could 'cheat'. But with everything I had going on it was hard to make time to stop by the main office. Maybe, someone from DT could come to the registration table in the mornings, to swap cards for bands? Or I just need to not be so lazy and force time to get over there before the trailrides start. lol.
I love the idea of a 'taps' ceromony- makes me tear up. I did many military funerals when I was stationed in San Diego. I always fell that tightness in my heart, at the loss of another defender of freedom, and the thought of those we have already lost.