We put the steering box in Littlefoots truck this afternoon. I came back to Cincy and pulled it out of the unit we are restobobbing. Then went back and installed it Also had to repair a broken injection pump line.
We really want to thank Nick and his wife and Doug, you are the man. And a big thanks to Kip and the others that helped with the tree removal. Thanks also to The fellas in the USMC deuce who tried to help winch us. I know I am missing others to thank Like Docfarmall who tried to find us a steering box. To everyone else I have missed THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU.
This was Littlefoot and my first time at a SS rally but not our last.
Dave I hope your thumb gets better.
Ted (My wife and I were in the Green Side by Side That went every where the deuces went. We now call it the Micro deuce.