IIRC, Crown Royal! The aircraft dropped a banner, which I still have, CDB, Camp Dirt Bag, a newspaper with the headlines, "Gaddafi is Dead", it was the morning of the NTC job, a few large bottles of liquor and a BUNCH of small bottles on parachutes. Kinda never found out where all the smallies went.....JACOB and cohorts! The video is of the last one I did. Went from a group of 4 or 5 to around 100 spanning 7 to 10 years, including MCLB Armorers from Barstow or Pendleton, don't remember, this one is from 10 years ago. Good times! The guy on the left in the YT thing above STILL wear overalls! The guy in front looks the same, but older, like us all......well, except me!
I have stories!
Maybe Chaves Regal.....again, a while ago! Good to see these again, I subscribe to The Recorder, He is a good friend of mine.