Can I buy a plane or part from AMARG?
Unfortunately AMARG cannot sell or donate aircraft for two reasons: government rules on sales and donation of government property do not permit such direct sales, and AMARG does not actually "own" the aircraft and aerospace vehicles stored at the Center. Ownership remains with the delivering military service or government agency, with AMARG functioning as a property manager.
When the services/agencies determine that their aircraft are of no further value, they direct AMARG to prepare them for disposal and then transfer them to the Defense Reutilization and Marketing Office's (DRMO) Central Demil Center-Tucson (CDC-T), which then sells them at government auction.
Preparation for disposal includes removal of military components, removal and disposal of hazardous materials, in some cases reclamation of specified metals, and catastrophic damage to the aircraft to preclude flight (on combatant types such as the F-14). The latter can range from smashing wings/fuselages to total demolition leaving only chunks of material the size of an old silver dollar.
Although AMARG cannot sell or donate an aircraft, there are some alternatives that you might wish to pursue. If your interest is in terms of salvageable metals from aircraft, you may wish to visit DRMO's auction websites. These sites list both aircraft and aircraft parts that are available for bid in the auction process. They also describe how to submit a bid, what's required for payment, and so on.
Visit these sites for more details:
Please contact the 309 AMARG Public Affairs Office should you require additional information. You can e-mail them here or call them at (520) 228-8970.