All I can say is, it is your truck, your money, do as you want. There is a lot of reasons why crude is not used straight or even 1/2 and 1/2 as fuel, if it was this easy to filter and then use, a lot of companies would be out of business, it is not the big stuff in crude but ALL the other stuff, crude makes waste oil look as pure as the wind driven snow, it has everything from acids to fine silica, fine diamond dust, about every mineral known to man, them there is the lonnnnnnnnnng list of chemicals, some VERY toxic to humans (even contact or fumes will kill), some so corrosive that special metals or liners are need, I can go on and on about crude but that would be a waste of space. The bottom line is CRUDE IS NOT SOMETHING TO FOOL WITH.
At one time at the start of the oil age, some trucks ran on crude (with/without cutback), now is not that part of time nor are the trucks.