Thank you for the educated info. When I started reading into RV solar systems (have a victron system) it was amazing the number of uneducated, unscientific group think is out there. The whole ferrule, lugs, crimping discussions are other areas of claims with no data.
It's an everyday thing, and no one's fault really. Electricity is a PITA because it's an invisible process/phenomenon, and also wholly non-linear. Humans only do Linear lol. So everyone, me included, is unfortunately prone to fall into eye-balling things. Calculations are hard and time consuming by comparison. Within the DOE complex, Electrical "incidents" are the #1 reported events for fires, injuries, deaths, near misses etc. Every single year, they struggle with shutdowns, stand-downs, "retraining" and "safety initiatives" focused on electrical simply due to this problem. IMO, having a group like this to challenge, "review", or at least comment on ideas and concepts is the best way to avoid the eye-balling trap. Makes things tighter. The solar industry is burning up wires all the damn time but it's well veiled bc of being mostly private projects, and no one talks about it lol.